Pilar Peláez
Pilar Peláez was born in Mandayona (Guadalajara), grew up in La Mancha and currently lives in Madrid. She uses various techniques with her signature innovative ways of mixing materials both in paintings and chalcographic engravings. Pilar has done commissions for BMW and Espacio Diedro, among others. Her works have been selected for the Spanish National Chalcography, the Spanish National Library and the Madrid’s Council. She has won several awards, deserving special mention the Medal of Engraving 'Juan y Capo' in the Autumn’s Salon in Madrid in 2015, the Engraving’s Honorable Mention by the Madrid’s Council in 1995, and the First Medal in the Autumn’s Salon (under the patronage of the King and Queen of Spain) in Madrid in 1992. Pilar’s art has been exhibited widely, in national and international exhibitions and art fairs: gallery Catarsis/Art Room in Madrid -2001, 2006 and 2013-; Estampa fair in Madrid –2000 to 2008-; a retrospective at Cuenca’s Council Museum -2004-; gallery Texu in Oviedo -2008-; the group exhibition “The Body, the Flesh and the Soul” in diverse art centers in Northern Spain (Guernica, Santillana, Burgos) -2009 to 2011-; Sala d’art Pictograma in Castellon -2010-; Oasis fair in Osaka and Madrid -2003, 2009, 2011 and 2014-; Stockholm fair -2004-; Irun’s Contemporary Art fair -2011-; Marberlla’s fair -2011-, IV Bienal de ART-MAISON Japan in Madrid -2015-, etc. Pilar is an artist in constant transformation. She has developed innovative techniques applied both in paintings (from oil with diverse materials) and chalcographic engravings (etching, aquatint, dry-point, xylography, and lithography). Her works show a great diversity of styles (from the figurative to the abstract) reflecting her experiences and her constant vital search. In her art, the work of the textures and colors supersedes the shapes. Because of these characteristics, photography does not do justice to her works; when exhibited in original, they hardly leave the spectator indifferent. [Detailed CV in Spanish link] |